Transfer Market


Thanks to our worldwide network we are able to receive clubs specific needs and provide optimal solutions


A true added value for clubs (our negotiation method deflates the costs and bring them on the ground of reality in order to favor a profitable negotiation for all parties), for agents (who have the opportunity to expand their business opportunities) and for players (that we promote professionally on several markets).

Transfer Advisory

We assist clubs, agents and players designing  and executing the correct strategy to make a transfer possible and eventually secure it.

Scouting Advisory

Even with all the scouting tools and platforms available nowadays, it is still hard to discover a young talent before other competitors, or find a good player in foreign countries’ lower divisions.  Thanks to our capilar presence in several countries and to the quality and independence of the solutions we propose, more and more partners rely on us as their private eye on the football pitches of the countries where we are based.